Coping with Giftedness
This year's theme is "Mental Health and Wellness".
ABC 2015 Conference
February 20-21, 2015 - Humber College North Campus - Toronto, ON

At Parent Day,
attendees will learn from experts about the special needs of gifted
children and youths. Breakout sessions will enable attendees to
learn more about areas particular areas of interest.
Your Registration Fee includes:
- Keynote Speaker Sessions
- Workshops and Breakout Sessions
- Continental Breakfast, Lunch, and Light Refreshments at breaks
To help you, as a parent or caregiver, can focus on our Speakers and
network with other parents, engaging Childrens Activities are available.
Keynote Speaker
Jean Peterson, Ph.D., Professor Emerita in Educational Studies, Purdue University
Dr. Peterson will discuss the various characteristics associated
with giftedness, how these affect a youth's development, and how
parents can support their gifted child.
About the Speaker: Dr. Peterson has directed school-counselor
preparation in the Department of Educational Studies at Purdue
University, been an award-winning high school English and foreign
language teacher, and created gifted education programs in middle and
high schools. Based on her research into the social and emotional
development of gifted children, Dr. Peterson has written or co-authored
more that 100 books, journal articles and textbook chapters. She
is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and National Certified Counselor,
and served two terms on the Board of Directors of the National
Association for Gifted Children (USA).
A portion of Parent Day with be dedicated to small breakout sessions and
workshops. During registration, you may select your preferred
sessions to attend. For details on each Workshop, please click the
link below:
Parent Day Workshops
Childrens' Activities
The Conference is offering a program of activities for children of
attendees. During registration, you may selected a preferred,
age-appropriate activity for each child. For details on Children's
Activities, click the link below:
Childrens' Activities
ABC Ontario Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting of the Association for Bright Children of Ontario
will coincide with ABC's Conference Day. The AGM portion only is open to all ABC members (prior to December 22, 2014) with no charge.
The AGM agenda will include:
- status on giftedness with the Ministry of Education
- voting in of the new 2015/17 Board of Directors
- review of ABC's financial status
- open floor for questions
Registration is now closed, and the Conference Parent Day is now full.
We regret that we are unable to take registrations at the door. Please join us at our next event.
Directions to the Conference
For directions to Humber College North Campus, Building E, follow the link below:
Getting There
Hosted by ABC Peel Chapter
on behalf of ABC Ontario.
Supported in part by a Parents Reaching Out Grant from the Ontario Ministry of Education
conference will provide an excellent opportunity to gain and share
knowledge on the impacts and challenges in teaching, guiding and
parenting bright and gifted children and youth today.
Parent Day